Of course is this pink cat not myself, yet I really love how comfortable this one looks like - you should maybe know that I got to know to this one by a quite close friend of mine, Nora, of whom I also got the copy where I scanned from. I really *love* getting mail, you should know :)
It is astonishing to see how many people travel through the Internet just to receive these few bytes of text (Let's check our well-known counter : Amazing, neh? Visitors since 03.06.'98). Anyway, it gives me a kind of responsibility, so I will try not to waste your time too much with my personal story. Well, on the other hand, if you think that learning a bit about me would be a waste of time, then you should leave again, AFAP (which means, as you surely know, AS FAST AS POSSIBLE)! And yeah, I know it's a pain for the eyes to fight with this cruel font. But I love it.

So here we go.

It is me, Martin S. Weber, who is also known as "Mithrandir" among a small community of addicted roleplayers who keep on mudding and will always; who is also known as "Tartharos", or better, known as "Baerli" among the live-role-players of Bavaria, who crept out of the body of my mother the eleventh of June in the wonderful year of 1979. Yes, you're right. Not that I have birthday within 8 days, but also that I only am 18 years in age. That sounds maybe a bit strange, but think of two facts :
I'll be 19 really soon.
On the Net nothing and no one is like what it/he/shee seems.

I was born within the heart of Bavaria, known for its beer, and its bad taste, concerning music. Well, that is at least what most Americans seem to think - although they are true for one thing - As far as I have experienced it until now, the Bavarians really _love_ beer, and drink as much as possible on every occasion. I have to admit, that I am one of those "Bavarians" if this is what defines a Bavarian. Yet on the other hand, the Bavarians are one of the most tolerant lands in the world (I mean lands within countries like Bavaria within Germany, or Arkansas within the US), as it is stated in the Bavarian Constitution, that a "German citizen" is to be treated, i.e. has the same rights as a "Bavarian citizen".

Enough for now with going away from what I wanted to tell you originally...
While I was growing up, in my surrounding more and more of my well-known and loved world crumbled, when my parents got divorced, and we (that is my family) began an odyssey through bavaria until we finally found a new home in Regensburg. I don't want to say that Ingolstadt and W�rzburg, where I lived for quite a few years in my live, are worse towns than Regensburg, I just state that I am at home here, and feel best when being in Regensburg.

I am now living for over 5 years in Regensburg, struggling towards my final exams in school, which now finally *phew* are over, and I seem to got through - well that is somehting about which I do not think at the moment, at the moment I am not only working on the page, but also on a better outfit for one of my great hobbies, Live-Roleplaying, working with wood at home, as I love the feeling of wood in my hands, working on MultiMUD to finally get done with my creating, working at another MUD (of which there does not yet exist a name), where I should get done with coding.

You see, I am still quite busy. In less than two months now, my alternative for going to the army will be the next in the thread of my life with which I will keep myself busy, and it is really astonishing to see the time pass by that fast.

You may ask yourself, why I tell you all those things. Well. You wanted to learn about me, and in my opinion that (#)includes not only a bit about my life, but also how I feel with it.

Back to the main page !

Last updated 03/06/1998 by M.Weber